Morning of January 2.
New Year. A happy new year?
Fresh opportunities? New start? New plans? Or the same as in the past
He leaves his room. Like in a trance. He does not look me in the eye. The bathroom door closes behind him. One minute passes, two minutes… three…ten minutes. – Out of the bathroom, into the recliner in the living room. Okay. You want to sit there. No questions asked. His gaze is introverted. Hazed.
Time to pay the debt.
– Mom. Earmuffs!
Mom gets the earmuffs. Mom gets water. Mom gets the fan
I do not make a sound.
I tiptoe around.
– Mom. Hungry.
Mom gets bread and cheese. Quiet like a mouse. Serves quietly.
Fan off. Fan on.
The empty plate placed on the kitchen counter. Carefully, like it had a pillow under it.
I feel like eating an apple. I feel a bit peckish. I take one bite. Hear a sigh!
– Does my chewing bother you?
– Yes!
The apple has to wait.
Hours pass. One hour. Two hours, three, four.
Hours filled with … silence!
Healthy! I am healthy.
My aches and complaints are like grains of sand in the desert.
What I have endured and stood up against in my life is like a simple gush of wind compared to a hurricane.
I don’t need silence.
I will endure this for him.
– Mom. Hungry.
Moms can’t cook dinner in total silence.
– Heat the lasagne?
– Yes.
– You have to stand the microwave then.
– Mom. Move first.
I move all the things into the bedroom.
Then I can use the microwave.
Dinner is served in bed. In total silence.
«Debt» is being paid.
Then I can eat my apple!
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