I’m dusting off the piano
It is in the living room.
I see the boy who used to sit there
Every time he passed it he had to sit down
Ramble through
Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer
Smoke on the water
The piano is covered with dust
The boy lies in darkness
In the basement
In bed
His friends play concerts with their band
Meeting the audience
New idols
Grow up to be musicians
Great boys
Move on
– Do you want to quit piano lessons?
– No!
The piano is dusty.
A sheet of music dated 5.11.12.
Written and translated by the mother of the pianist on pause.
Tårene falller på mitt bryst…for alle disse tapte ungdommene….tap av ungdomstid..
Et urørt piano som står der som står der som en daglig påminnelse om ubrukt aktivitet.. Klem til deg, mammaen. <3