Stikkordarkiv: ME mum

Yes to more humbleness and professional substance in the ME debate

In leading Norwegian newspaper VG (3.8.15) Lightening Process-instructor Live Landmark admits that she for several years refused to seek necessary medical assistance from doctors for her ME, based on advice and media initiatives from the «ME-society» and their advocates. From … Les videre

Skrevet i Medieoppslag | Merket med , , , , , , , | Legg igjen en kommentar

Conclusion: M.E.

The conclusion is clear. Our boy has been diagnosed with ME. He has symptoms from all over his body, pain in his muscles and bones, he has disturbed sleep and temperature fluctuations. Among other things. The doctor considers treatment that … Les videre

Skrevet i Personal from parents of children with ME | Merket med , , , , | 1 kommentar

I didn’t believe it

I didn’t believe that a 12-year old boy could get sick and sicker just by going to school. That first he had to skip Physical Education  (this boy loved football!), then more and more classes until there were no classes … Les videre

Skrevet i Barn og unge med ME, ME, Personal from parents of children with ME | Merket med , | 8 kommentarer

Dear Doctor

Kind teachers want to do their best Headmasters need their reports The doctor, scratching his head, Says:  Fortunately I’ll soon be retiring You say you hurt You say you are in pain But I can’t see it I try to … Les videre

Skrevet i Personal from parents of children with ME | Merket med , , , | Legg igjen en kommentar

The Diagnosis

I remember thinking, the day I drove back home from the hospital, carrying a piece of paper with the diagnosis ME written on it, driving along with my boy next to me in the car seat. He was not able to sit … Les videre

Skrevet i Personal from parents of children with ME | Merket med , , , , | Legg igjen en kommentar

When life was put on hold

Being the mother of two children with ME is both demanding and lonely. But this is not the most difficult part of it. We have translated an interview from Norwegian paper Laagendalsposten to English. Click to see Norwegian original: Gro … Les videre

Skrevet i Personal from parents of children with ME | Merket med , , , , , | Legg igjen en kommentar

My Beloved Child

Norwegian original ”Isn’t she lovely. Isn’t she wonderful. Isn’t she precious …” * My wishes for you are skinned knees and getting sunburnt. Exam stress and a broken heart. Not because I wish you harm, but because I with all my … Les videre

Skrevet i Personal from parents of children with ME, Personlig fra pårørende | Merket med , , , | 4 kommentarer