Stikkordarkiv: engelsk

A young hero

Truls, a young boy of 12 years, has ME. Because of his ME, Truls is rarely able to leave home.  But when his doctor Kristian Sommerfelt asked for his help in educating medical students, Truls didn’t hesitate at all. He … Les videre

Skrevet i Barn og unge med ME, Fra ungdom | Merket med , , , , | 1 kommentar

The Shoes

A pair of shoes on the door mat. They remained there for a long time. So long that my mind refused to remember how long. Lonely, desolated, waiting… Every time I walked through the doorway I saw the shoes and … Les videre

Skrevet i ME, Personal from parents of children with ME | Merket med , | Legg igjen en kommentar

Yes to more humbleness and professional substance in the ME debate

In leading Norwegian newspaper VG (3.8.15) Lightening Process-instructor Live Landmark admits that she for several years refused to seek necessary medical assistance from doctors for her ME, based on advice and media initiatives from the «ME-society» and their advocates. From … Les videre

Skrevet i Medieoppslag | Merket med , , , , , , , | Legg igjen en kommentar

Letter to the King

Letter to King Harald of Norway from Martin and 58 other young people with M.E. ME mum’s confessions proudly presents an important letter to King Harald from Martin (17). The letter is also signed by 58 other children and youngsters … Les videre

Skrevet i Barn og unge med ME, Fra ungdom, Medieoppslag | Merket med , , , , | 12 kommentarer

On behalf of the children

I am going to tell you about ME.  Most people do not know anything about this disease.  I don’t blame them.  I didn’t know anything either until it hit my son.  I had barely heard of ME.  I thought people … Les videre

Skrevet i Ukategorisert | Merket med , , | Legg igjen en kommentar