Kategoriarkiv: ME in Norwegian media

Honest on having a child with ME

– ”It’s tough to see this in print,” Stine says. “It somehow makes it more real, although what appears in such an interview obviously only is part of the reality we live in, the tip of the iceberg.” The Norwegian … Les videre

Skrevet i ME, ME in Norwegian media, Personal from parents of children with ME | 1 kommentar

I went for walks in the evening and cried

When Stine’s daughter was at the sickest, she could not walk to the toilet alone. The mother juggled her job with sole responsibility for her ill daughter, and became increasingly tired. By Cecilie Skjerdal, journalist. Translated by The ME Parents … Les videre

Skrevet i ME, ME in Norwegian media, Personal from parents of children with ME | 1 kommentar

Robot i klasserommet

Barn med ME er ofte isolerte og klarer ikke å gå på skolen.  De er rett og slett så syke at de må holde seg hjemme. Dag etter dag. Uke etter uke. Måned etter måned. År etter år. Nå kan … Les videre

Skrevet i Barn og unge med ME, Fakta om ME, ME, ME in Norwegian media, ME og skole, Medieoppslag | Merket med , , , | Legg igjen en kommentar

Undocumented treatments have led to some of the worst disasters in the history of medicine.

  Original published 14 July 2015, at. 8:00 Written by Ola Didrik Saugstad Both Dagbladet and Saugstad has approved the publication of the translation. [This is a quick translation of the original article in leading Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.no, made for … Les videre

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